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Night Hike

by Levi
Flash - Levi
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Crack, crack! Our mouth blew up. The cracking sound of our mints lighting up. Triboluminescence is the chemical that gets split up fast to make light! I saw Eden's mouth glow up as blue as the ocean. There was a breeze brushing my face. The night was as dark as the plain dark ocean sky. I heard the crickets chirp, chirp, chirp. The sparks were as awesome as flames in your face. I was about to explode.

by Petra
The Story in the Dark
The Story in the Dark - Petra
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Have you ever been in the woods at night, when the sky is changing from light blue to pitch black? In the fall when the leaves are yellow and red it’s really pretty, especially when part of the tree is still green. My class was on a camping trip at Lake Maria State Park. We were on a hike right around seven pm and we could see barely see the sun. Right around the middle of our hike Ms. Robyn (our teacher) sat us down on the dirt. The leaves crunched under me the same way they did when I walked. As everybody else sat down I heard Ms. Robyn’s backpack flop on the ground. I turned to her and said, “What are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” she said back to me with a smile. When everybody was settled Ms. Robyn started talking again. “The reason I sat you down was for a story.”

“Yes!” another student said.

I was as excited as a butterfly coming out of its cocoon and I guess so was the person who said, “Yes!”

“A long time ago when there were no humans, all the animals shared.” Ms. Robyn said in the silence of the woods. “They shared everything. The lakes, the food and shelter. Until one day Bear was so hungry whatever he found he wouldn't share it. Bear sniffed twice and followed his sent. He kept sniffing the air until he found some food. Bear stared for one second. Right in front of him was a great big bush of berries. Instead of telling everybody else he rushed to it and started popping them into his mouth. Soon enough Bunny came along and saw Bear eating the berries…”

It felt too magical to be real as I sat there in the dark. The trees were like statues with all the color drained out of them. I could see the most gorgeous setting in the world. I saw Bunny getting mad at Bear for not sharing the berries. It was as if the words that came out Ms. Robyn's mouth turned from a sound to a pictures and actions. It was my favorite highlight from the whole camping trip! 

by Isaiah W.
Mints! - Isaiah W.
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“Mints!!!!!!!!!!!” Said Ms. Robyn.

“Woooooohoooooooo!!!!” my whole class yelled.

            “Okay, okay calm down,” said Ms. Robyn.

            My class was on a camping trip and we were going on a night hike. We were doing a mint experiment. Basically, we bit into a lifesaver and it was supposed to make a chemical reaction (triboluminescence). I think it's the mint and sugar molecules separating.

                  We were in line and about to get the mints…almost there… “YES! I got a mint!” I jostled my way to my group of friends.

“Cooool,” we all said.

I started to chew, I had to use my back teeth because it was pretty hard to chew. “Crunch stkt crack munch sktch.” I had my mouth open when I was chewing. My friends watched my mouth, awe struck. My mouth was filled with greenish blue sparks (and a little bit of white too).

“Awesome!” my friends said.

Soon everyone's mouth was filled with greenish blue sparks. #socool

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