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Oak Hill Campsite

by Wyatt
The Wipeout
The Wipeout - Wyatt
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Ba-dump ba-dump! I was running really fast. I was speeding around the taggers. There was someone chasing me. I ran faster and faster! Soon, I was speeding as fast as a lightning bolt [exaggeration alert]. My feet were a blur! I skirted around the picnic tables. I was zooming through the air and then…I tripped, I fell, I went splat on the ground. It hurt 0%. But the blood was gushing, so I asked Ms. Abby for a Band-Aid. “Can I have a Band-Aid?” I asked. She said yes, and she gave me a Band-Aid. I wasn't that hurt so I charged back into game as fierce as a warrior!!!

by Yaaqub
Ships Across the Ocean
Ships Across the Ocean - Yaaqub
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“Blue!” “Run,” said Dustin. “Tag,” said Theo. Tim felt him get tagged. I ran as fast as I can. “Off,” I said as I fell to the floor. I think I should… “Rest,” said Kalid. “Okay,” I said. “YAAQUB’S RESTING!” shouted Kalid, so I did. Then I was back in. “Off,” said Oliver and Wyatt. “You hit me with your jacket,” they said. Everett soon quit. “Line up, Ms. Abby’s class!” “Awwww.” So we went back to our campsite. It felt like a very fun jog as we went back to our campsite.

by Kyla
When I Was Snoring
When I Was Snoring - Kyla
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It was a cold fall night. I fell asleep and started to snore. Then I woke up the people in my tent. Bri whispered, “Heyyy,” then Petra exclaimed, ”What the,” then Julip shouted, ”Kylaaa,” then Everly complained “I can't sleep!” Then I snored louder and they couldn't sleep. After I was done snoring they fell asleep but… I STARTED SNORING AGAIN! They woke up complaining. Other people commented they could hear me and I thought to myself, “I must've been loud.”

            And when we were taking down the tent, I LOST SASQUATCH! Then I looked all around for him and I couldn't find him. I got really miserable. Then I examined my daypack and he was there.

            Then we packed all of our stuff and put it in the vans/cars. Then we boarded onto the bus. It took an hour for us to get back and when we got back I had to find my suitcase and when I found it I ran inside the building to go pee.

            Then I went outside looking for my backpack. But I realized that I left it inside. So I ran back into the building to grab my backpack. Then I ran outside to get my suitcase. After I got my suitcase I was looking for my dad and I couldn't find him and I was about to run inside to the office to call him or my mom. But then I saw his car. I ran to his car and I knocked on the window. He had to get out to find something. Then my dad unlocked the door and then I got

In. It was chilly in there but I found his coat and put it on top of me. Then I buckled my seatbelt and then we drove all the way home.

by Jasper M.
Crazy Tent
Crazy Tent - Jasper M.
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(Snap) What was that?  Another (snap). Then the door slowly zipped open and I saw it…

It was the photo snatchers! I gasped in the corner. Then Joseph hid in his sleeping bag. And Jack reached out but it was too late…Jack got his picture taken. but then Oliver saw photo snatchers and chased them around until they were tired. (About 3 hours later) “Curse you!” he exclaimed. It was night. We went into our tent. We spit in the fire. It was amazing. And then it became quiet.

We heard the grass moving and thought it was creepy clowns. They were moving our tent. Finally, it was day time. Joseph peed in the woods. It was COLD! The wind hit my face like l was flying! Then Joseph put his clothes on. I couldn't. Jack was in the tent! “Oh no!” he said. I couldn't get dressed because I couldn't find my underwear. So, I got my long underwear. After all that, I was finally warm.

by Jasper J.
Epic Sloth
Epic Sloth - Jasper J.
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So here I was in my tent setting up my portion of the little house. When I pulled out my sloth I thought, what can I do with you? I laid her against the wall figuring out where to put her. When an idea hit me, I put her near the wall closest to me and gave her my flashlight and declared, “Look guys we have a lamp and a security guard.” We all applauded.

            We all tucked ourselves in and went to sleep. We all woke up. We had a rough night, and I got about 2 minutes of sleep. Well that was my estimate. I went outside everyone was playing ships across the ocean and some people were eating oatmeal. But I ate my private lunch because I don't like oatmeal.

I joined ships across the ocean when I was done. It was pretty lame but then it was time to pack up our personal items so I packed up my sloth. I shoved her into my bag. My mom packed 359 things, so my sloth got squished. Even though there wasn't much room in my bag, I was glad I had her.

by Julip
Sleeping in a Tent
Sleeping in a Tent - Julip
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The fire was flaky. It cracked and hissed. We sang our last song then Ms. Robyn announced it was time to go to bed. We got in pajamas and brushed our hair and teeth then we slipped into our sleeping bags. But me and Everly started to giggle, then we fell asleep. It was kinda hard to fall asleep. A lot of the time people in my tent would say “I can't sleep be quite.”  And then when we woke up in the morning we just wanted to sleep but we got outside in the cold and took down our tent. The poles felt like ice cubes but we got it down and ate some oatmeal. It was like a dessert. I was kinda mad I had to take down our tents first but I felt numb and I wished I was still asleep. But we then started our hike. “YAY!” we all yelled.

by Carlo
Making a Tent with my Friends
Making a Tent with my Friends - Carlo
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The sun was shining on the tent bag and me and Jasper and Isaiah. There was a leaf on the ground crunching and that crunch is a paper crumbled and that felt good to my ears. Me and Jasper J and Isaiah got to work and it was like a puzzle.  We got the stake and the fly and Jasper put it in the side. I got the Tent and Jasper J got the fly and we put the stakes in the ground. We were done and I said, “That took work!” We went in and that is my first time making a tent.

by Dustin
Blame it on the Raccoons
Blame it on the Raccoons - Dustin
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Scratch scratch. What the heck? I peeked out the tent …RACCOONS! I tried to go back to sleep but they were just so annoying. They were still scratching in the middle of the night and 3 minutes later they stopped scratching. “Is anyone else up?” Oliver responded with a yes and I was happy that he was up but we were the only ones that were up in this tent at this moment of the night. I asked my friend what we should do. “I don't know.” “Well I am going to read. I don't want to wake up the other people in this tent.” “I am awake!” said another friend that was in my tent. I tried to keep it quiet but it was too late now. We were all up and it was all those raccoons’ fault.

by Bridgette
Yummy Crunch
Yummy Crunch - Bridgette
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It was a bright afternoon and it was lunch time. I saw the light coming though the threes. I started walking to the table. I could hear the crunch under my feet. I could also hear the birds. I walked to the line of people, curving like a snake waiting to come out of its cave. As the snake was getting shorter and shorter I thought to myself how I was so hungry. My stomach growled loudly. The snake got shorter, and I stepped up. I could hear the crunch once more. Then I was finally at the table I could see the…CHIPS. YES. Me love chips. I skipped over to the chip bag and I put my hand in the bag.  Inside the bag was dark. The outside was as white as paper under the sun. I took my hand out and I had about 20. “YES I HAVE CHIPS!“ And I walked over to where I was sitting and put them on the table. The table was brown and not fancy at all. I stood on the end of the table and stuck my head into the chips. CRUNCH. When I lifted my head up it was full of chips. I shook them like a dog and they all went flying on the table. Then I swept them onto my plate. I thought to myself that I would finish. The chips were so good. They were potato chips and salted. They were the best chips I ever tasted. I ate a few more. Yummmm. I ate more and more and more. I loved the sweet crunchy flavor of the chips. I thought I was going to finish. But I was so full.  My stomach was a volcano about to erupt. Just 10 more I thought to myself. But in the end, my stomach just wasn’t big enough.

by Jack
How to Make Camping Lunch
How to Make Camping Lunch - Jack
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This will help you eat your lunch while you're camping.

“I am Jack. Ms. Abby and Ms. Robyn are the teachers. There's chaperones as well. “

It was a sunny day outside and it was time to set up lunch. While the chaperones were making lunch all the kids where playing Ships Across the Ocean. When lunch was ready all of us went in line to get some food to eat. When I got my food, I ate a carrot and it made a CRUNCH!

Then I ate a sandwich. It was soft and light when I picked it up. A breeze picked up

 and it blew.  The trees swung around. This lunch was a normal lunch. Then all of us sat down and started eating. It was the best lunch ever. I even gazed at the lunch for…3 MINUTES! This lunch was fun and funny at the same time. It was very scrumptious. It has been a long time since I got a good lunch. Now you are ready to eat during camping during the day or week. (If you’re in a camp that lasts that long)

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